Expert Pharmacy insights save time and money on Rx remodels and roll-outs

When it comes to retail design, sometimes you don’t get what you pay for. Pharmacy designs are a case in point.

A client of ours learned this the hard way.
A top-rated hospital group had hired an architectural firm to design their retail pharmacy. Unfamiliar with pharmacy operations behind the counter, the architect specified the under counter cabinet height at 34-inches — the standard ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) counter height.

When the managing pharmacist viewed the completed pharmacy workspace, he was incredulous. Industry standard for pharmacy counters is 38″ to 40″ high — something the architect hadn’t realized. 

The client was faced with the decision to either rip out the existing cabinets and replace them, or come up with a creative solution to raise the counters. Either option posed unexpected (and un-budgeted) costs.

Architects are experts in designing buildings and obtaining permits, but very few of them have ever worked in a pharmacy. An architect without specialized industry knowledge will lack insights into how the internal spaces of a pharmacy will be used.

Working with an experienced pharmacy designer and fixture supplier like Midwest Retail Services helps ensure that your pharmacy will be a well-equipped and productive environment.

Visit the Pharmacy page on our website for more information about the services and products available from Midwest Retail Services, or to pricing or advice on your next pharmacy fixture roll-out or remodel.

Mike Welsh of Midwest Retail ServicesThis article was contributed by Mike Welsh, a sales representative of Midwest Retail Services with more than two decades of experience working with pharmacy and retail clients on projects spanning from planning stages to on-site installations. Contact Mike via phone at 800-576-7577 or via email at

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About Midwest Retail Services

Midwest Retail Services provides all the store fixtures needed to start, expand, or update your retail store. We serve a wide variety of businesses including pharmacy, grocery, pet supply, party supply, book, C-Store, discount, and many other retailers. We also support POP design and fulfillment, retail designers, architects, contractors, installers, and store fixture resellers.