Display Fixture Impact on Store Image, Function, ROI

Part 4 of 4: Display Fixture Impact on Store Image, Function, ROI

The New Verses Used Steel Shelving Challenge

Part 3 of this series examined how to identify store fixture brand by reviewing fixture parts and working with a shelving expert. Part 4 looks at the impact used display shelving, as obtained from a going-out-of-business store, can have on store image, function, and your ROI.

Balancing cost with budget is a difficult task.

Allocating funds often begin with the building, the offices, flooring, decor finishes, lighting, rehab, and other amenities.  A result is inadequate capital remaining to spend on the displays that actually hold the products you sell.  Pressure to reduce cost forces a compromise most notably in the purchase of used rather than new shelving. Impact can be most noticeable at the point a retail transaction is decided or POD-point of decision.

Impact on Image:

A task of retail display shelving is to aid in and influence a customer at the point of decision. How the display fixture looks and handles the product tells the customer the value the retailer places on their products and who buys them.

A poor image is conveyed in display shelving by:

  • Dented shelves
  • Scratched parts
  • Rust spots
  • Missing parts
  • Chipped slatwall or pegboard panels
  • Mismatched shelves
  • Wrong shelving colors
  • Mixed colors

Impact on Function:

Another task of display shelving is to facilitate how products are displayed. Display fixtures must fit how you merchandise. The better you match-up the shelving to the product and inventory levels the better the sales results.  If you compromise on the display fixtures by buying ‘available’ used fixtures, that do not match your display efforts, you can lose sales through inefficiency.

Inefficiencies include:

  • Shelf sizes either too large or too small to display the right amount of product
  • Display height too short or too tall for the type and category of product
  • Shelving too large for the space, restricting ability to use more display fixtures for larger product assortments, or, more categories of product
  • Potential inability to fully utilize plan-o-grams
  • Wishing you had ‘just one more shelf level’ to add the new products you just received
  • Having an endcap display fixture that is too wide or not wide enough

Impact on ROI:

Purchasing ‘available’ used fixtures may have a long term negative effect on your return on investment. Though a simplistic ROI example, this fixture investment is worth every consideration.  Depending on the age of the used fixtures you consider purchasing, you may in fact be purchasing near end-of-life displays.  Normal fixture life spans range from 7-15 years depending on the type of store, products, and how they were maintained.


Customers instinctively sense if a display fixture functions when it aids in their selection and purchase. The condition of the display fixture and how it merchandises the products creates your retail image and customer visual expectations. Optimize the display fixtures to get the most retail performance!

Look for more articles from Midwest Retail Services.  If you would like more information regarding this series please contact us at info@mw-rs.com, or call 800-576-7577, or via this link.  We welcome suggestions for topics you want to read about.

Be sure to visit us at Midwest Retail Services and call our experts that will help you in this process. Remember, knowledge is the power that brings value to your decisions.  Please call us today at 800-576-7577.



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About Midwest Retail Services

Midwest Retail Services provides all the store fixtures needed to start, expand, or update your retail store. We serve a wide variety of businesses including pharmacy, grocery, pet supply, party supply, book, C-Store, discount, and many other retailers. We also support POP design and fulfillment, retail designers, architects, contractors, installers, and store fixture resellers.