Point of Purchase Displays

Point of Purchase Displays: Making Your Products Stand-out

Point of purchase displays are a prominent merchandising method used for years.

Known as P.O.P displays, they can be categorized as temporary or permanent, and either a stock or a custom built displayer.

The main function of a P.O.P. display is to get the customer to notice, interact with, and then buy your product.

There are several ways to make your product stand out to increase your sales volume.  These include display color, add-on graphics and signage, and the type of physical display unit used.

Retailers and manufacturers agree; the P.O.P display is vital in generating additional sales.

What to Communicate

See, touch, evaluate, and buy.  Studies have revealed the true impact value of the five senses on customer shopping.  Store POPAI's Research Insightdesigners and merchandisers understand the importance of customer senses in developing strategies that sell product.

P.O.P displays are part of the strategy designed to focus these customer senses on a single display, and once a customer has seen and then touched the product in the display, they will evaluate it and hopefully buy it.

There is an implicit goal to motivate customer impulsiveness rooted in many motivators like Price, Convenience, or Necessity.

Free-Standing Displays

Free-standing POP displays, either temporary or permanent, can be a stock gondola on casters, a spinner display, a wire grid display, or a custom designed displayer.  They will exploit sight with special signage, graphics, and color schemes.

They stand out too because of extensive use of accessories like:

Free-standing POP displays also motivate by communicating items that are priced-to-sell, or a sense of urgency by limiting the time a price is available.   And the display might communicate a product with long-term value or appeal to taste with a display of food related items.

Then there is the DIY P.O.P. display creating a sense of doing for an anticipated home project.  And it goes on and on…

PRetail Display FixturesOP Display Accessories

Merchandising display accessories aid in the display of your products.  Maximize your POP unit, for example, with pusher and gravity systems to face product at the front of the shelf.

This ensures the merchandise always looks it’s best when potential customers pass.

Or, use sign headers and colored shelf ticket liners to define special products. Maybe it is using divided dump baskets for small travel items.  The list is endless.

A Short Checklist when Creating a P.O.P. Unit

A budget must always be considered to make sure you will get a return on your investment.  Important things to take into account when developing a free-standing displayer are:

  • The number of sku’s displayed in a given space
  • Signage, Lighting,  Accessory Materials
  • Weight of product, display durability and  life span
  • A knocked-down (KD) or pre-assembled unit
  • Lead time, display assembly
  • and Shipping costs

Take time to examine the best use of P.O.P. displays.  Well planned, sales increases up to 25% or more are not uncommon.  Use an expert to help simplify the process and recommend the best method for building the display unit you need.

For more information about P.O.P displayers, shelving, and merchandising options contact Midwest Retail Services today.  We have the expertise to assist you with your POP display decision. Call 800-576-7577, or email us at info@mw-rs.com.  One of our shelving experts will be available to help you!

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About Midwest Retail Services

Midwest Retail Services provides all the store fixtures needed to start, expand, or update your retail store. We serve a wide variety of businesses including pharmacy, grocery, pet supply, party supply, book, C-Store, discount, and many other retailers. We also support POP design and fulfillment, retail designers, architects, contractors, installers, and store fixture resellers.