Gondola Shelving and Caster Kits

Going Mobile…Gondola Shelving and Caster Kits

Caster KitsHave you ever walked into your favorite store and find a familiar display missing, only to find it several feet away?

Or how about the promotional display of shop vacs that is now in a different aisle from your last visit?

Customers can ‘feel’ a change has been made without necessarily knowing exactly what changed.

Many times just moving a display from one location to another will alter the way shoppers perceive the products.  For example, products moved to a fresh location stimulate customer behavior due to the new interactive relationship of products at the new location.

The new placement changes the dynamic of the products because of how the shopper associates products with one another.

More simply said if you put a product in a new environment it suddenly attracts attention.

Embrace Change

Merchandisers agree, changing displays frequently and moving merchandise to different locations, keep customers more attentive.  But you do not have to physically pull product off the shelving to move it.  Caster kits allow you to move merchandise to different locations instantly or through planned movement.

Examples of Mobile Displays

  • Mobile dump bins for impulse purchases, easily moved around to associate with different products.
  • Paint departments, with certain gondola runs on casters, allow the store owner to roll the display runs out of the way for space to hold customer ‘how-to’ seminars.
  • Books stores move around promo book displayers to keep customers seeing something new and to increase browsing.
  • Garden centers mobilize seasonal merchandise fixtures to create unique displays year round.
  • Hardware stores shuffle endcaps to the end of a different gondola run every week to keep interest peaked.

Retailers are creative in many ways.  Whether a product is new or a long held staple, moving the display shelving every now and then, can attract shopper’s attention. When the display shelving is on casters, it makes the merchandiser’s job much easier to move things around.  This can even reduce labor costs when stocking and restocking shelves.

Caster Kits

Caster KitsMajor shelving manufacturers offer gondola shelving caster kits.  Depending on the brand of fixture, kits are available for two-sided shelving units, shelving units with attached end caps, and some for free-standing endcaps.

Caster kits are also available for widespan and T-Leg style retail shelving while other impulse displayers come with casters as standard equipment.

Caster kits for retail shelving can make a real difference in your store merchandising effort, product marketing strategy, and your overall store layout.  Be sure to plan for mobile displays for new stores and for stores looking to freshen up their merchandising. Going mobile means added sales!

For more information about shelving caster kits and mobile displays, contact Midwest Retail Services today.

Call 800-576-7577, use our convenient site link, or email us at info@mw-rs.com.  One of our shelving experts will be available to help you!



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About Midwest Retail Services

Midwest Retail Services provides all the store fixtures needed to start, expand, or update your retail store. We serve a wide variety of businesses including pharmacy, grocery, pet supply, party supply, book, C-Store, discount, and many other retailers. We also support POP design and fulfillment, retail designers, architects, contractors, installers, and store fixture resellers.