Knowing What’s New in Retail Display Products

Creative ways to get the most relevant fixture information for your store.

radial bump-outWhether you are a retail store-owner or any other type of business owner, your goal is clear: constantly improve revenue without sacrificing service quality.  When it comes to retail stores, nearly every cent of revenue comes from product sales.

The best way to increase these sales from one year to the next is to stock shelves with the latest products that consumers desire. While this idea sounds simple enough, it can be a challenge for even the most experienced store-owner. When new products, retail displays, and merchandising methods become available, business owners need an easy way to stay up-to-date on what is in demand.

Fortunately, there are several ways that store owners can learn more about new display products and gain information to decide which display fixtures will best fit their products, store layout, and merchandising scheme. Store-owners can browse blogs like this one for tips on how to effectively use different types of display products, view detailed product information in our online catalog, and even follow social media channels for the latest news and updates.

One intuitive way to find out what’s trendy and popular is to take notice of displays while shopping.

  • What are other stores doing?
  • What is working for them and what types of fixtures allow them to successfully move specific products or inventory?

Different stores may have specific shelving methods or display techniques you haven’t seen before, or they might have a better understanding of what works best for their retail demands.

If you are comfortable, ask the owner, manager or employee how a particular display has impacted their sales floor.

Technology has increasingly provided a more convenient and relevant source of information for store-owners, changing the way retailers learn about and purchase new display products.

Utilizing social media, websites and other digital formats allows you to stay on top of trends by evaluating what types of displays are most effective in your store, staying updated with the latest display product information, and reaching out to members of our team. Online ordering allows retail store-owners to conveniently purchase store fixtures from the comfort of their office while getting displays into stores faster, products on the shelves quicker, and items into consumers’ hands more rapidly.

Is your business taking advantage of the convenience and speed provided by online research and ordering?

Overall, doing additional research using online resources is always a great way to get the full story before making a major display fixture purchase. For descriptions of display fixtures and accessories and to learn more about the best retail fixtures for your industry, check out the Midwest Retail Services website.

When it comes to making major purchasing decisions, the team at Midwest Retail Services is here to help.Contact Midwest Retail Services today to streamline your display purchases and create more dynamic merchandising! Call 800-576-7577, email us at, or take advantage of convenient online ordering. One of our experts will be available to help you!



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About Midwest Retail Services

Midwest Retail Services provides all the store fixtures needed to start, expand, or update your retail store. We serve a wide variety of businesses including pharmacy, grocery, pet supply, party supply, book, C-Store, discount, and many other retailers. We also support POP design and fulfillment, retail designers, architects, contractors, installers, and store fixture resellers.