Staying Connected

Staying Connected : Maintaining the B2B experience

Jim Crawford’s recent article in Chain Store Age discusses ‘Creating a Truly Connected Experience’.

In the article, Crawford focuses on the four important steps of shopping that affect shoppers and retailers alike: inspire to shop, aid the experience, make it convenient, and establish a history.

The article goes onto discuss how these steps are needed to bridge in-store, on-the-go, and at-home experiences.

Crawford’s 4-step model relates not just to individual consumers but to business-to-business buyers, as well.

It can often be difficult to separate our personal and professional shopping habits. We approach buying for our business in much the same manner, as we maintain expectations of value, reliability, and customer service. Connectivity in the B2B shopping experience is equally important, even though the technology used in this relationship differs.

One of the biggest differences in how we stay connected and shop as B2B consumers lies in relationship-building. Shoppers build relationships with stores; B2B shoppers build relationships with people.  Staying Connected

As B2B consumers, we often connect to other businesses on a more personal level, primarily because we’ll work with the same person multiple times during a project and continuously over time.

Although businesses are buying from and selling to each other on a regular basis, the need to ‘Inspire’, ‘Aid’, ‘Make Convenient’, and ‘Establish history’ remains the same.

Think about your last standout shopping experience. More often than not, your interaction with a salesperson or other store professional is what draws you back, and upon your next visit, you’ll likely request the assistance of the same person. This is retail relationship-building at its best and is what should be expected in a B2B relationship.

Staying ConnectedRegardless of the product or service a business is buying or selling, the aforementioned goals should be consciously and continuously pursued. Technology-driven communication is a convenient tool to stay connected but is often limited in expression, making it impersonal.

Communication through media is second only to face-to-face contact; the personal touch of face-to-face conversations makes a profound difference that fosters lasting, meaningful relationships.

The staff of Midwest Retail Services strives to meet your B2B expectations each and every time we answer the phone, provide a quote, do an installation, or simply provide assistance to someone in need of information.

For more information about display fixtures and accessories, contact Midwest Retail Services today. Call 800-576-7577, use our convenient site link, or email us at Our goal is your B2B experience and staying connected to who you are.


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About Midwest Retail Services

Midwest Retail Services provides all the store fixtures needed to start, expand, or update your retail store. We serve a wide variety of businesses including pharmacy, grocery, pet supply, party supply, book, C-Store, discount, and many other retailers. We also support POP design and fulfillment, retail designers, architects, contractors, installers, and store fixture resellers.