Buying store shelves on eBay or Craigslist? Ask The Team!

This week we Ask The Team a question for all you bargain hunters, deal makers, and budget-conscious buyers out there: Can’t I just buy my gondola shelves on eBay or Craigslist? The Continue ReadingBuying store shelves on eBay or Craigslist? Ask The Team!

Retail Reading List Round-up

There are a TON of industry news feeds to follow, even more email newsletter lists with retail news and opinion. We belong to a lot of those lists and thought Continue ReadingRetail Reading List Round-up

Your Business Bookshelf

A feature I’ve been wanting to start for a while here on the Midwest Retail Services blog is The Business Bookshelf — a collection of recommendations, reviews, collected wisdom, quotes, Continue ReadingYour Business Bookshelf

Beyond “Location, Location, Location”

So, you have a successful retail business and you want to grow, consequently, you are considering opening a new location. The old real estate adage “location, location, location” has merit, Continue ReadingBeyond “Location, Location, Location”

Five Awesome Gondola Signage Ideas For Your Store

gondola signage: flip-up crossbar sign

Placing signage in and around gondola shelves is tricky business. Effective signage can increase sales by drawing shopper attention to the products, educate prospects to the benefits of owning the product, Continue ReadingFive Awesome Gondola Signage Ideas For Your Store