A Customer Service Fairytale

Once upon a time I bought something. After I made the purchase, I had an issue. Oh no, whatever will I do? I guess I’ll call their service department. Google Continue ReadingA Customer Service Fairytale

Are Your Employees Approachable?

Doesn’t anybody work here? Walmart was the first business to require all its employees to wear nametags. (There’s a surprise!) Sam Walton created this initiative because he wanted his customers Continue ReadingAre Your Employees Approachable?

3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Business Next Year

The drop of the ball at midnight on January 1st is a chance for you to make changes in your life. Why not make changes in your business as well? Continue Reading3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Business Next Year

Customer Service Smile Training

With all the news, articles, statistics, and predictions regarding just how much physical retail stores will continue to be impacted by people choosing to shop online instead of in-stores during the Continue ReadingCustomer Service Smile Training

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