AmazonGo – The Prequel

People have been going ga-ga over the launch of AmazonGo, the retail giant’s new physical store where checkout lines and cash registers will become a thing of the past. Shoppers will Continue ReadingAmazonGo – The Prequel
Retail store shelving and fixtures
People have been going ga-ga over the launch of AmazonGo, the retail giant’s new physical store where checkout lines and cash registers will become a thing of the past. Shoppers will Continue ReadingAmazonGo – The Prequel
This guest post is from loss prevention expert Bill Bregar, President of Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. which offers shoplifting prevention equipment as well as training to reduce shoplifting loss. When Continue ReadingYour Customer Retail Therapy Increases Sales And Shuts Down Shoplifters
As reported in The Verge, the social media image sharing and curation site Pinterest just launched a new visual search tool called Lens which is basically an app for identifying Continue ReadingYou need to know what’s on your store shelves
Every January writer, speaker, and business-owner-helper Chris Brogan chooses three words that will frame his focus and energy for the coming year. Hundreds (thousands?) of his fans and followers follow suit. Continue ReadingYour Store’s Three Words
Are you a Master of the Welcome? Hope so. The first words out of your mouth frame the entire customer experience. Consider these two facts: According to The Wall Street Continue ReadingAre you a Master of the Welcome?