45 retail terms every retailer needs to know

Perhaps you’ve been in retailing as long as you can remember, or maybe you’re new to the game. Either way, it’s good to have a glossary of retail terms handy Continue Reading45 retail terms every retailer needs to know

Crowdsource Your Retail Secret Shoppers

In a competitive marketplace where you not only strive to win business from competing local stores, but also online stores which can compete from virtually anywhere, the customer experience and Continue ReadingCrowdsource Your Retail Secret Shoppers

Bad Signs For Business

We’ve all become sign makers. And it’s killing me. Since the advent of “desktop publishing” virtually every one of us has found ourselves having to run to our computer to Continue ReadingBad Signs For Business

SSTOP! 5 Steps to Approach Complaining Customers

Let’s say a customer comes to you with a complaint. Maybe in person, via email or over the phone. What’s the best approach? It’s simple: SSTOP! No, that wasn’t a Continue ReadingSSTOP! 5 Steps to Approach Complaining Customers

Ask The Team: When is it time to replace shelves?

We had a great question submitted through our website contact form asking: “When is it time to replace shelves?” Here are the best answers as provided by our team. You’ll Continue ReadingAsk The Team: When is it time to replace shelves?