Live Person vs. Auto Attendant: Who Answers Your Business Calls Will Make a Difference

As a consumer, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to get a live person on the phone when you have an issue that you need addressed. As a business, your customer’s satisfaction is a leading cause for success of your company, and live conversations go a really long way.

Interactive Voice Response, otherwise known as IVR, is that maddeningly automated telephone system that many companies use for their customer service telephone line.

After what seems like an eternity of entering name, address, even social security number, an order number, date of birth, and forced selecting too many options as well as answering inquiry questions with a verbal “yes” or “no” (whew!), your customers won’t have the energy or patience to speak with a live person. The end result could or will be an unresolvable conversation and a very dissatisfied customer.

What live communication can do for your business:

Live Person vs. Auto Attendant: Who Answers Your Business Calls Will Make a DifferenceMany top retailers have switched from the classic (and annoying) automated responses to living and breathing people. Even though it is more costly to have an actual person answering your customer service line, research has indicated that this method results in a significant decrease in customer waiting time. With an average wait time of just 51 seconds for a live person, your customers will be much easier to satisfy.

Live communication provides the human connection. With customer concerns differing each day, there are no “cookie cutter” answers and automation simply is not effective in all instances. A live person can feel out the frustrations, emotions, and needs of the customer and therefore, provide a response tailored to that specific person. Remember, this as an opportunity, not ‘have to’ scenario.

When live conversations are not always possible:

Live Person vs. Auto Attendant: Who Answers Your Business Calls Will Make a DifferenceThere are those consumers out there though who prefer dealing with automation. Especially simple ones where only a quick answer is required, like getting a tracking number for a shipment. To suit all needs, offer customers the option to speak with a live person or go through the automation motions.

If necessary, you can set the automation system to take calls during the busier hours of the day. If mornings are generally slower, this can be a convenient time to have customers speak to a live representative.Live Person vs. Auto Attendant: Who Answers Your Business Calls Will Make a Difference

Not all businesses operate 24/7, which makes it difficult to employ people to answer phone calls during the night. For this scenario, you can provide live assistance during the daytime hours and the automation at night. Therefore, help will be provided around the clock.

Midwest Retail Services chooses to have actual staff answering our customer service calls during business hours because we believe it is important to personally connect and assist our customers with their needs. For more information about your source for displays and accessories, contact Midwest Retail Services today. Call 800-576-7577, use our convenient site link, or email us at A display specialist will be available to help you!

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About Midwest Retail Services

Midwest Retail Services provides all the store fixtures needed to start, expand, or update your retail store. We serve a wide variety of businesses including pharmacy, grocery, pet supply, party supply, book, C-Store, discount, and many other retailers. We also support POP design and fulfillment, retail designers, architects, contractors, installers, and store fixture resellers.