Best Store Fixtures for Cannabis Shops and Dispensaries

  With new marijuana shops and dispensaries opening every week, the demand for retail (weedtail?) store fixtures that suit the unique needs of this burgeoning industry are growing (pun intended). Continue ReadingBest Store Fixtures for Cannabis Shops and Dispensaries

Expert Pharmacy insights save time and money on Rx remodels and roll-outs

When it comes to retail design, sometimes you don’t get what you pay for. Pharmacy designs are a case in point. A client of ours learned this the hard way. Continue ReadingExpert Pharmacy insights save time and money on Rx remodels and roll-outs

Shipping Schedule Update

Updated 12/04/2018 We’ve nearly completed the transfer of our inventory and shipping department into our new 75,000 square foot distribution center! This week we’ve begun to catch up on the Continue ReadingShipping Schedule Update

Important New Location and Shipping News

We made the big announcement a while back, but we’re thrilled to share the news that moving day is upon us! In order to better serve our customers, we have Continue ReadingImportant New Location and Shipping News

What can I do if my store fixtures arrive damaged? Ask The Team!

Our shipping manager recently had an appointment to speak with one of our freight carrier representatives. During the meeting, the carrier rep shared the following photograph of a shipping dock Continue ReadingWhat can I do if my store fixtures arrive damaged? Ask The Team!