Five Awesome Gondola Signage Ideas For Your Store

gondola signage: flip-up crossbar sign

Placing signage in and around gondola shelves is tricky business. Effective signage can increase sales by drawing shopper attention to the products, educate prospects to the benefits of owning the product, Continue ReadingFive Awesome Gondola Signage Ideas For Your Store

Midwest Retail Services Launches New Website

SURPRISE! Welcome to the brand spankin’ new Midwest Retail Services website and blog! We hope you’ll be as excited as we are to welcome a brand new website for Midwest Retail Continue ReadingMidwest Retail Services Launches New Website

Can’t Tell Your Shelf Parts Apart? Ask The Team!

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell two similar things apart. On any given day, the store fixture professionals at Midwest Retail Services are asked to fulfill orders consisting of all Continue ReadingCan’t Tell Your Shelf Parts Apart? Ask The Team!

CardinalHealth: Wings

One of the reasons CardinalHealth is one of our favorite clients is the innovation demonstrated at all levels within their organization (including our partners within the CardinalHealth Retail Pharmacy Services division for whom we Continue ReadingCardinalHealth: Wings

Productivity Playlists: Ask The Team!

What’s your morning jam? Not the fruit spread you put on toast — what is that one song you can crank-up in the morning to get your day ROCKING? Studies show that Continue ReadingProductivity Playlists: Ask The Team!