Program your own “Smart Store”

With all the news and technology about the continual emergence of the internet of things, you’re likely becoming quite the smarty-pants. You can buy Smart Phones, Smart Cars, Smart Thermostats, Continue ReadingProgram your own “Smart Store”

The Dollar Shave Club Effect

I woke up this morning to the announcement that Dollar Shave Club, the monthly subscription service that sends razor blades costing as little as $1 per pack to your home, Continue ReadingThe Dollar Shave Club Effect

It’s time to can “Can I help you?”

Ever go into a store and have someone who worked there asked: “Can I help you?” Of course you have. And 9 times out of 10 you replied with a “No thanks, Continue ReadingIt’s time to can “Can I help you?”

How well do Customers know YOU?

Photo credit: arjunv via / CC BY-NC-ND

Know your customer, know your customer, know your customer. Three very important rules of business. But let me ask you this: How well do your customers know YOU? Sam Walton, Continue ReadingHow well do Customers know YOU?

Turn your retail store into a giant Pinterest board

New technology allows retail stores to add physical versions of the previously virtual-only red Pinterest pushpin icon to items on display in their showrooms. Retailers who once feared window shoppers who were Continue ReadingTurn your retail store into a giant Pinterest board