Ask The Team: Do I need a professional installer for my shelves/fixtures?

We feature another really big question for the Midwest Retail Services team this week. It’s a question we get asked a lot, and it’s one of those questions whose response Continue ReadingAsk The Team: Do I need a professional installer for my shelves/fixtures?

Ask The Team: How can I tell what type of shelving I already have?

This week we asked members of the Midwest Retail Services to provide their best answer to the following question: How can I tell what type of shelving I already have? Continue ReadingAsk The Team: How can I tell what type of shelving I already have?

Ask The Team: When is it time to replace shelves?

We had a great question submitted through our website contact form asking: “When is it time to replace shelves?” Here are the best answers as provided by our team. You’ll Continue ReadingAsk The Team: When is it time to replace shelves?

The Challenge of Specialty Displays

What makes more sense, buying a special display domestically or importing it? Lower cost is the usual lure for importing, but there are more factors to be considered. If you Continue ReadingThe Challenge of Specialty Displays

Display Fixtures: Selecting a Manufacturer or Distributor

Display Fixtures: Selecting a Manufacturer or Distributor & Finding the Right Fit Regardless of the size retail store you own or manage, you need display fixtures and merchandising accessories to Continue ReadingDisplay Fixtures: Selecting a Manufacturer or Distributor