Sarah Rogers Joins Midwest Retail Services

Store fixture and gondola shelving supplier Midwest Retail Services added Sarah Rogers as their newest sales representative, expanding the geographic footprint of the central Ohio-based company to now include Georgia Continue ReadingSarah Rogers Joins Midwest Retail Services

Pet Store gondola shelving achieves high-end shopping experience on a budget

How a new Pet Store used gondola shelving to achieve a warm, high-end feel to their retail shopping experience on time and under budget. At Midwest Retail Services, we love Continue ReadingPet Store gondola shelving achieves high-end shopping experience on a budget

Consumer Spending and Retail Behaviors Report

Consumer Insights

Consumer Spending Intentions & Brand Preferences Each month Prosper Insights & Analytics surveys over 7,000 US consumers on a broad selection of spending intentions and retail behaviors. They graciously gave Continue ReadingConsumer Spending and Retail Behaviors Report

Retail Trends for 2019 | 10 Items or Less

The industry experts have a lot of ideas about the trends they feel will prove popular for retailers in 2019. Many of the trends identified are the same (or similar) Continue ReadingRetail Trends for 2019 | 10 Items or Less

Expert Pharmacy insights save time and money on Rx remodels and roll-outs

When it comes to retail design, sometimes you don’t get what you pay for. Pharmacy designs are a case in point. A client of ours learned this the hard way. Continue ReadingExpert Pharmacy insights save time and money on Rx remodels and roll-outs