Program your own “Smart Store”

With all the news and technology about the continual emergence of the internet of things, you’re likely becoming quite the smarty-pants. You can buy Smart Phones, Smart Cars, Smart Thermostats, Continue ReadingProgram your own “Smart Store”

Our Prescription for Pharmacy Fixtures

Pharmacy ideas from Midwest Retail Services

Midwest Retail Services just returned from attending the most recent Cardinal Health Rx Business Conference. We’ve been proud to attend and serve this community of pharmacy professionals over the years. The Continue ReadingOur Prescription for Pharmacy Fixtures

The Dollar Shave Club Effect

I woke up this morning to the announcement that Dollar Shave Club, the monthly subscription service that sends razor blades costing as little as $1 per pack to your home, Continue ReadingThe Dollar Shave Club Effect

Buying store shelves on eBay or Craigslist? Ask The Team!

This week we Ask The Team a question for all you bargain hunters, deal makers, and budget-conscious buyers out there: Can’t I just buy my gondola shelves on eBay or Craigslist? The Continue ReadingBuying store shelves on eBay or Craigslist? Ask The Team!

It’s time to can “Can I help you?”

Ever go into a store and have someone who worked there asked: “Can I help you?” Of course you have. And 9 times out of 10 you replied with a “No thanks, Continue ReadingIt’s time to can “Can I help you?”