Putting the Shopping Cart before the Horse

Putting the Shopping Cart before the Horse: A General Discussion about In-Store Shopping Carts & Baskets Though the title is a play on words, putting the ‘cart before the horse’ Continue ReadingPutting the Shopping Cart before the Horse

Matching Inventory to Shelving Size

Matching Inventory to Shelving Size:Is the Shelf Half- Empty or Half- Full? The sub-title borrows from the reference to a ‘glass’.  Some say it ‘depends on your perspective’. In retail, Continue ReadingMatching Inventory to Shelving Size

The Power of the Consumer Impulse Purchase

Building the Impulse Display: The Power of the Consumer Impulse Purchase While many consumers spend weeks, or even months, researching products before making a big purchase, almost everyone spends money Continue ReadingThe Power of the Consumer Impulse Purchase

Proprietary Inventory Programs for Store Fixtures and Display Accessories

Program Benefits for Multi-Store Retailers: Proprietary Inventory Programs for Store Fixtures and Display Accessories Availability Challenges Planning for a multi-store merchandise roll-out can be challenging. One of the challenges is Continue ReadingProprietary Inventory Programs for Store Fixtures and Display Accessories

Proprietary Staging of Store Fixtures for Delivery and Installation

Proprietary Staging of Store Fixtures for Delivery & Installation: Program Benefits for Multi-Store Retailers Multiple Challenges Retailers face many challenges when planning a single or multi-store remodeling program. One of Continue ReadingProprietary Staging of Store Fixtures for Delivery and Installation