Ask The Team: Do I need a professional installer for my shelves/fixtures?

We feature another really big question for the Midwest Retail Services team this week. It’s a question we get asked a lot, and it’s one of those questions whose response Continue ReadingAsk The Team: Do I need a professional installer for my shelves/fixtures?

How do colors impact retail purchases?

Midwest Retail Services is in the process of increasing our presence on some additional social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest. There’s not much to see there (yet!) but we’re getting Continue ReadingHow do colors impact retail purchases?

Ask The Team: When is it time to replace shelves?

We had a great question submitted through our website contact form asking: “When is it time to replace shelves?” Here are the best answers as provided by our team. You’ll Continue ReadingAsk The Team: When is it time to replace shelves?